Saturday, July 14, 2007

Another shot

I've decided to try Blogger again. I've done this before a couple of years ago, but ended up deleting it. You can probably expect me to jabber on about Etsy, knitting, wire-wrapped jewelry, plants, and my animals.

I've been working on setting up an Etsy shop, but for some reason I'm nervous about it, so I'm not really getting anywhere with it. I don't really know why I'm nervous about it, I just am. I've always just made things for myself and the people around me, I've never actually sold anything. I worry about people liking the stuff I sell, and I really worry about people being disappointed in what they order from me. It's not a rational fear, I'm just worrying. After all, I love shopping on etsy. I've bought lots of stuff, and I've never been disappointed, so I don't know why I worry that someone would be disappointed in my stuff. I really just need to do it, and not think about it so much.

I've been knitting a lot lately. Right now I'm working on Twiggy Tweed from Knitty. It's coming along, and I'm getting close to being done with it. Next I think I will start on Coupling. I've never made socks before, so I'm really excited about them. Hopefully all goes well, and they don't make me want to pull my hair out.

That's all for now, hopefully I can get a few pictures up soon.

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